2. Children younger than two must sit in rear facing car seats. The law will not apply to children who weigh more than 40 pounds or are 40 inches or taller.
3. Those convicted of driving under the influence must install a device in their cars that would ensure they are sober before they can start the ignition.
4. Drivers for companies like Uber and Lyft can’t have a blood alcohol content of 0.04% or more.
5. Prison time will be mandatory for those convicted of assault in which the victim was unconscious or not capable of giving consent because of intoxication.
6. A ban is in place on possession of a synthetic drug called “spice.” The first offense would be an infraction; the second or third offense would be a misdemeanor.
7. Public schools can now expel students for bullying through video or sexting. State education officials will be required to publish information on sexual cyberbullying online and encourage schools to teach students about sexting.
8. People will no longer be able to buy semi-automatic rifles that have a bullet button allowing removal of the ammunition magazine. Those that have such weapons will have to register them with the state.
9. Smoking or use of electronic cigarettes within 250 feet of any Little League baseball game or other youth sports event is now illegal.
10. Want to save an animal trapped in a hot car? As long as you call authorities first, you won’t be held legally liable for breaking into the car.